Nurse Pam


Nurse Pam

Your Personal Nurse on Demand and on the Go!


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Your Patient Advocate Manager

The healthcare system can be a difficult place for you and your loved ones to navigate. Let us be the first to introduce you to Nurse PAM, your Patient Advocate Manager. Whether you have made the conscious decision to be proactive with your health, need a clear and concise surgical plan, have received a chronic diagnosis and would like help seeking a second opinion, or need a reliable source for all your medical questions, Nurse PAM is dedicated to helping you every step of the way.

Nurse PAM is backed by a highly skilled and experienced multidisciplinary team with the shared belief that healthcare is not just your right, but it’s your health, your voice, your choice. We are here to empower you by putting your medical care back in your hands. We will provide the education needed to help you make the best and most informed medical decisions for you and your loved ones.



Nurse PAM is the epitome of quality and excellence when it comes to patient care. My patient outcomes are significantly better when she is involved with their care. Nurse PAM bridge the communication and education gap between doctors and patients, which in turn, builds transparency and trust.

Dr. Lerner


I never put much thought into my health and did the bare minimum when it came to annual check ups, but after working with Nurse PAM, I understand how important it is to prioritize your health and even more important to have someone advocating for you.


Nurse PAM Patient

I suffered from a major stroke and I remember thinking to myself what’s happening Nurse PAM was able to find out the status of my condition, the surgeon’s name and background. She was able to explain the plan that was being discussed behind the scenes regarding my treatment.



Nurse PAM Patient

Nurse PAM Advocacy Program

Take control of your health, your voice, your choice and become an empowered patient of Nurse PAM today!

Join our advocacy program and get access to your pocket nurse on demand and on the go.

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Nurse PAM Newsletter

Stay informed on what’s happening in the healthcare industry from a perspective with you in mind. Receive best tips and tricks when navigating the healthcare system. Sign up for the Nurse PAM Newsletter today.

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